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Raspberry Ketone for your Weight Reduce Program

Raspberry Ketone - Weight Reduce ProgramRaspberry Ketone formulas main ingredient is an enzyme present in raspberries, (known as Raspberry Ketone). This enzyme is of keen interest for plenty of people in the fitness & weight loss world, due to the fat burning properties. 

This enzyme is known to burn fat which in turn helps your Weight Reduce Program. But you can speed up how speedy it works by combining it with Acai berry & Green tea. Each of these alone are potent fat fighters but combined they work together to generate an even more powerful & faster working fat fighter & energizer.

The pills enable the body to burn fat easier, with no change in diet or exercise necessary. You can now manage your weight reduce program easy way with Raspberry Ketone.


These Raspberry Ketone has been carefully mixed with the right amount of Acai, a powerful antioxidant, green tea, a general stimulant health tonic. To provide an effective speedy acting weight reduce program.

green tea - weight reduce programGreen Tea
The thermogenic effect of green tea, appears to be attributed to the synergistic interaction between the two main chemicals catechin-polyphenols & caffeine which increase & prolong sympathetic stimulation of thermogenesis. 

raspberry - weight reduce programRaspberry Ketone
Raspberry ketone is a natural phenolic compound that is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries. Raspberry ketone has been shown to prevent high-fat-diet-induced elevations in body weight. The high dose effect is reported to stem from the manipulation of lipid metabolism, increasing norepinephrine-induced lipolysis. 

acai berry - weight reduce program Acai Berry
A powerful antioxidant, its a wonderful health benefits, include: weight management, improvements in energy, improvements with digestion, helping detoxing, improving skin appearance, improving heart health, reducing the signs of aging, & the reduction of levels of cholesterol. 

Source and detail here


Weight Reduce Program Without Dehydration

In the Weight Reduce Program, surely you already know that water is very beneficial for our body. Yup! Water can help remove the waste, maintain adequate fluid in the body, and can also improve the body's ability to fight disease. In addition, drinking enough can also help maintain the body temperature to keep stabil1. According to the Institute of Medicine recommendations, the amount of water sufficient for men is about 3 liters (or 13 cups) and 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) for women. "Drink 8 glasses per day" is often used as a recommendation because it is easy to remember. However, make it as minimal limit your daily water consumption.

And ladies do you know? Drinking enough water on a regular basis can also help you maintain your weight. With water rather than high-calorie beverages like soda and sweet tea, of course we have reduced the number of calories consumed during the diet. In addition, water can also help suppress your appetite we Drink 2 glasses of water before meals can help dieters down two more pounds in 12 minggu3.

To get the ideal body weight, we also sugesting to do regular exercise. However, when exercising that body will be spending a lot of fluid that could potentially lead to dehydration. Lack of body fluids can also cause muscle cramps, so exercise becomes not optimal.

Here are the tips so you will not get dehydrated during the workout in your Weight Reduce Program:

1. ± 500 ml of water consumption in stages 1 or 2 hours before exercise.
2. Taking back ± 500 ml of water 15 minutes before exercise.
3. When exercising, make sure you drink 150 ml of water every 10 minutes.
± 500 ml drinking water after exercising. Also, avoid drinking juice or soda while you're exercising for two drinks is the sugar content of more than 10% and less well absorbed by the body.

Advice on How to Mentally Prepare for Liposuction

Liposuction is a successful cosmetic procedure that removes fat deposits from targeted areas on the body. Liposuction has many uses, most typically for the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips and arms. Also resourceful in combination with other cosmetic procedures, liposuction can enhance the results of a facelift or abdominoplasty.

Having surgery is a serious decision. Regardless of the complexity of your procedure, emotional preparation is essential. Read on for advice on how to mentally prepare for liposuction.

Mentally Prepare for Liposuction With Research

Preparing for a liposuction procedure should begin well in advance of the pre-operative appointment. You can gather a wealth of information about liposuction online, at DocShop.com. Review helpful patient education articles and discover the benefits and limitation associated with liposuction surgery. Access the surgeon’s directory for help locating a qualified liposuction doctor.

Do you know someone who has had liposuction? Ask friends for advice about the procedure. Friends with experience can give you insider tips on ways to mentally prepare for liposuction.

Mentally Prepare for Liposuction With a Consultation

Locate an experienced liposuction doctor and schedule a pre-operative appointment. Open communication is essential for ensuring that you and the surgeon are on the same page. Describe the dissatisfaction with your appearance, and explain your expectations from liposuction surgery. The surgeon will provide details about the benefits, limitations and risks.

The liposuction doctor will conduct a medical examination, evaluating your physical and emotional health. Be prepared to answer some questions about work and personal life. Individuals under abnormal levels of stress will be advised to postpone the procedure.

Advice on How to Choose Your Liposuction Doctor

Part of being mentally prepared rests on the confidence you have in the surgeon and medical staff. A qualified cosmetic surgeon is board certified by an accredited organization, such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Ask for details regarding his or her experience performing liposuction surgery.

Before accepting the financial responsibility, be fully aware of liposuction prices and financing options. The cost for liposuction varies, depending on the volume and type of procedure. Your surgeon’s fee does not include other factors that contribute to the price, such as anesthesia and operating facility.

Understand the Benefits and Limitations of Liposuction

For the right individual, liposuction can restore confidence, both inside and out. A good candidate for liposuction is physically healthy and psychologically sound. Liposuction is cosmetic contouring, not a tool for weight loss.

You should also have realistic expectations for what liposuction can do for you, as well as, a clear understanding for potential risks. Patients with realistic expectations are usually seeking treatment for stubborn fat deposits. Ideals for dramatic change are unsafe and unrealistic.

Mentally Prepare for Liposuction by Understanding the Risks

Liposuction is a fairly safe and straightforward procedure. However, all surgical procedures carry some uncertainty. Recognizing the risks is vital in order to mentally prepare for liposuction. Some potential complications include infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia, nerve damage, blood clots, scars and excessive bleeding. You can lower the risks by carefully following the doctor’s instructions.

Mentally Prepare for Liposuction by Understanding the Recovery Process

You are likely to experience a moderate level of pain during the first few days after liposuction surgery. Swelling and bruising are also common, and should dissipate over time. Due to post-operative fluid retention, you may also experience some weight gain. Plan to resume most normal activities within two weeks.

Bear in mind, liposuction results occur gradually. It takes some time for your body to adjust to the procedure. Apparent results can take up to four months. On the other hand, many patients consider the liposuction healing period secondary to the results.

Source : Articlebace.com

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

A good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of this procedure as well as these basic qualities: Average or slightly above-average weight, firm, elastic skin good overall health, concentrated pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise

What Do I Need To Know Before Undergoing Liposuction?
During an initial consultation your plastic surgeon will evaluated your health, assess the condition of your skin, and discuss the options that are best for you. Body contouring methods that are appropriate for your particular situation, the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, and your expectations will be discussed in detail.

Once you have decided to undergo liposuction, your plastic surgeon will give you the necessary instructions that you will need to prepare for the surgery.

How Is Liposuction Performed?
In general, liposuction procedures use small incisions in selected areas and with a high vacuum suction device attached to a small, stainless steel instrument called a cannula, remove fat cells. After the fat is removed, sutures (stitches) will be used to close the incisions, followed by the application of a dressing and compression garment (girdle) to minimize the post-operative swelling.

Are There Different Liposuction Techniques?
Though the basics of liposuction remain the same, there are different techniques that can be used during liposuction. "Tumescent Liposuction" During this technique the plastic surgeon will inject a medicated solution into the fatty areas before the fat is removed. The solution is a mixture of intravenous salt water, a local anesthetic (lidocaine) and a drug that contracts the blood vessels (epinephrine).

This fluid injection helps the fat to be removed more easily, reduces blood loss and bruising after surgery, and provides anesthesia during and after the surgery. The amount of fluid injected varies and depends on the preference of the surgeon. "Ultrasound-Assisted Lipoplasty (UAL) This technique requires the use of a special cannula that produces ultrasonic energy. As the ultrasonic energy passes through the areas of fat it causes the fat cells to liquefy. The fat is then removed with the traditional liposuction technique.

Because the fat is liquid at the time that it is removed, UAL is smoother and mechanically more efficient. UAL also minimizes trauma, resulting in less bruising and blood loss and especially improves the ease and effectiveness of liposuction in fibrous areas of the body.

What Are The Risks And Complications Of Liposuction?
Undergoing any surgical procedure may involve the risk of complications such as the effects of anesthesia, infection, swelling, bleeding, and pain. Liposuction is normally safe and with minimal risks and possible complications when patients are carefully selected, the operating facility is properly equipped, and the physician is adequately trained.

Liposuction is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure and has a very good safety record when performed in accordance with the recommendations of the Lipoplasty Society.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Required When Having Liposuction?
Various types of anesthesia can be used for liposuction procedures. If a small of amount of fat is being removed from a limited number of areas local anesthesia with a light sedative to make you feel drowsy and relaxed may be considered. When treating larger areas, general anesthesia is typically used causing you to be asleep during the procedure. Together, you and surgeon will select the type of anesthesia that provides the most safe and effective level of comfort for your surgery.

On What Areas Of The Body Can Liposuction Be Done?
Common locations for liposuction include the chin, cheeks, neck, upper arms, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

Can Liposuction Be Done On More Than One Area At The Same Time?
Liposuction can be done on more than one area at the same time if the amount of fat removed does not exceed the recommended amount within the limits of safety.

How Long Is Recovery After Liposuction?
Every person's outcome will vary based on factors such as volume of fat cells removed and area/s of removal. Under most circumstances, liposuction is an outpatient procedure. Depending on the areas treated, most people are able to return to work within a few days to a week and to most normal activities within two to three weeks.

Immediately, after surgery, it is necessary to continuously wear a support garment for three to four weeks. Bruising, swelling and soreness can be expected for at least a few weeks.

Are The Results Of Liposuction Permanent?
Liposuction may be performed in a surgeon's office-based facility, in an outpatient surgery center, or in a hospital. Smaller-volume liposuction is usually done on an outpatient basis for reasons of cost and convenience. If a large volume of fat will be removed, or if the liposuction is being performed in conjunction with other procedures, a stay in a hospital or overnight nursing facility may be required.

How Long Does Liposuction Take?
The time to perform liposuction may vary considerably, generally requiring between one to four hours, depending on the size of area, the amount of fat being removed, the type of anesthesia and the technique being used.

How Do I Prepare For Liposuction?
Prior to your surgical procedure, your surgeon will perform a complete health history and physical examination to evaluate your overall weight, your skin and muscle tone and overall distribution of fat deposits. Knowledge of your allergies, medications and previous surgeries should be brought to your surgeon's attention at this time. Specific instructions to assist you in preparing for this procedure will be given to you after the health history and physical are complete.

Instructions will be given that include guidelines regarding your diet, alcohol intake, smoking and which medications to take and avoid. You should also make arrangements ahead of time for someone to drive you to and from your procedure and to assist you with your daily activities during your recovery period.

What Can I Expect After My Liposuction Procedure?
Don't expect to feel or to look great following your surgery. Even though the newer techniques are believed to reduce post-operative discomforts, you may still experience some pain, burning, swelling, bleeding and temporary numbness. You will be wearing a snug elastic garment over the treated areas to control swelling and bruising immediately following your surgery.

You may also experience some drainage from the incisions sites for a day or two following surgery. Pain can be controlled with medicates prescribed by your plastic surgeon, though you still may feel stiff and sore for several days.

When Can I Resume My Normal Activities?
Healing following liposuction is usually gradual. You will be encouraged to start walking around as soon as possible to reduce swelling and to prevent any possible blood clot from forming in your legs. You usually are able to return to work within a few days and will begin to feel progressively better over the next two weeks.

Strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month as your body continues to heal. Although most of the swelling and bruising usually resolve in the first four to six weeks, final results of surgery may not be fully realized for six months or longer after surgery.

How Is The Cost Of Liposuction Determined?
The cost of liposuction is determined by several factors: In what geographic area do you live? Anesthesiologist and plastic surgeons fees? Where will your surgery be done, in the hospital, surgery center, or office? The number of areas requiring liposuction? An exact quote will be given at the conclusion of your consultation with a plastic surgeon following examination and evaluation.

Can I have more than one area treated at the same time?
Yes, more than one area can be injected at the same time.

Source : articlebase.com

Weight loss diet pill guarantees – what do they really offer?

You could argue that a guarantee is a guarantee. That it doesn’t matter as long as the weight loss supplement works.

But here is the thing.

Which diet pill would you feel more confident in? The one that can offer you a 180 day money back guarantee (Proactol™) or one that only lasts 2 weeks (Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills)?

If we’re honest, the one that offers a 180 day money back guarantee looks the most appealing. Why? Because it gives you chance to truly test the effectiveness of the product; to see if it does actually work for you in the long term and not for just a few weeks. Plus you can use it safe in the knowledge that if it doesn’t work you can get a full refund.

A 2 week guarantee on the other hand, screams unreliable.

Yes, you could say the reason it is only 2 weeks is because the manufacturers are so confident in their product. But think about it a moment. How much weight can you really lose in just 2 weeks?

For real long term weight loss that lasts dieticians recommend losing 1-2lbs a week. But if you – like we all do at first – stick to a strict diet and exercise regularly, you could easily lose this amount naturally without the help of a supplement.

The real proof over whether or not a weight loss supplement works becomes apparent during the long term; when it continues to help you to consistently lose weight, even when your confidence ebbs.

Take this scenario.

Proactol™ have recently teams up with UK bridal magazine YouAndYourWedding to offer brides the chance to lose weight and win a free getaway.

On top of their competition offer that gives winners an all inclusive pamper treatment at Champney Spa, Proactol™ are also offering winners a prize of a year’s free supply Proactol™.

Now whilst you could say in this scenario their 180 money back guarantee doesn’t count as it was given away freely, the guarantee does still work in promoting confidence. In proving to customers that it is a great prize to win.

Yes, all brides want to get away from the stresses of their wedding, but even the most toned of us, wants to lose a few lbs before we get married.

And Proactol™ can offer you just that.

A guarantee that their natural herbal supplement will work to help you lose those extra lbs, get in shape and help you to maintain it.

So a guarantee is more than a guarantee.

It is a symbol of confidence that give you the reassurance to lose weight before your wedding; to enter a competition with the hopes of winning a prize as well as help and the satisfaction of knowing you are making a sound investment.

Effective Weight Loss: The Weight Watchers Promise

Losing weight can be a harrowing experience most especially if you start feeling that you are alone in your quest to lose the excess pounds. However, this is not so when you are with a group going through the same process and are ready to support you until you achieve your weight loss goals. And this is what the Weight Watchers are famous for.

When it comes to popular weight loss programs, Weight Watchers is usually on of the firsts to come to mind. Weight Watchers is not just about losing weight individually but it is doing so with the help of a support group. It has been around for many years now but gained popularity and had undergone a dramatic change in the late 1990's.

The program teaches participants about specific food groups that should be included in their diet. The program used to be called the 1-2-3 Success but now it is called Winning Points. Participants come together in meetings where they learn about these foods. Each food has a particular point value. Food labels and ingredients can be checked against a list of food values and computations can be made using a Points Finder.

There is also a kit, available for all participants, which consists of an organizer, a Points Finder and books that list the point values of food including those that are commonly served in restaurants. Participants are tasked to keep a record of the number of points they eat each week. This makes it possible for them to track their food consumption each day of the week and plan the next meals accordingly. Therefore, the program does not dictate what specific foods you may or may not eat. You can actually eat anything that you want under the Weight Watchers program and come up with your own food plan based on your points. By using your points, you may even save eating foods like ice cream and burgers for special occasions by not eating them today and using your reserve points on the day of the special occasion.

Weight Watchers program is also composed of meeting with your group mates. The first meeting usually is a time when new participants get to meet the other members and they get and orientation about the program. The Weight Watchers program is quite encouraging for many because it does not restrict eating foods, one can actually eat anything they want. It just stresses the significance of having healthy portions of vegetables and fruits in the diet. It also encourages the intake of low-fat dairy products. The Weight Watchers diet plan also promotes drinking lots of water.

Weight Watchers program also encourages participants to exercise. Exercising actually earns points that they promise will benefit the member even if he does not stay in the program. Since it does not restrict food types, it emphasizes more on portion control. You can eat your favorite foods but take only healthy portions or amounts. By following the Weight Watchers weight loss plan, results are guaranteed to start showing as early as the first week with a most probable weight loss of one or two pounds. Every five pounds that are lost also merits rewards and if you keep track of the entire program, at 10 percent loss and until the goal weight is reached.

Sorting Through the Fat Loss Products

There are countless people today looking for the best fat loss techniques that will aid in body fat loss forever. The world today is geared to believe that beauty means being thin. So, this puts enormous pressure on fat people to be thin and finding the best fat loss program they can. The best fat loss products will aid fat loss by assisting you to change your lifestyle, eating habits and help you lose the weight forever.
With the never ending products that claim to help dieting success, it is a mystery to those looking at what is hype and what is real. This is a billion dollar a year industry and can be frustrating if the claims of the fat loss products do not do what they claim. Of course nothing is a miracle and if are unwilling to do your part, then none of the fat loss techniques out there will do you any good. Pounds and inches are not just wished away by themselves.

Be wary of the fat loss products that put you on a limited food intake, or eliminate food groups all together. They may result in quick fat loss but set you up for the weight and ugly fat to come back on, and maybe even more than you started with. There are dieting pills that contain chemicals that can harm your health while assisting you to lose weight. You need to look at the fat loss techniques used and evaluate how it will help in your weight loss efforts and what effects will the product or method have on your health.

Recent new science based fat loss discoveries are showing that the fat hormones leptin and adiponectin are not functioning properly in the fat or obese population. These hormones are responsible for sending the messages to the brain. They control appetite signaling and fat storage control. If they are not sending the correct messages, the brain is not responding with the correct answers to appetite control and fat storage centers. So look for fat loss products that help the normal workings of your body to function properly. I have heard it said that god did not make mistakes when he designed the body, but sometimes these parts get messed up a bit and need some help to get back on the right track.

It is up to you to due your due diligence and research before buying any fat loss products. It is not just your money that is at risk, but your health as well and remember it took time to put the weight on so a quick fat loss method might not be wise. We know losing weight will help you to be healthier unless you compromise your health getting to you weight loss goal. Check to see if the fat loss program has proven results. Clinical studies would be the best then you are not just relying on the word of people but the reputation of the clinical provider. Be sure to validate any fat loss program before starting it with a health professional to be sure that the fat loss program you have chosen will not cause you more problems than you will gain by being slim.

How Fat Loss Pills Can Make You Fatter

There are many good supplements on the market today that are extremely effective for fat loss. Fat loss is big business and this has fueled tremendous developments in technology. There are more high-quality fat burning products out there now than ever before.

Properly used, these supplements can make a big difference in your fat loss efforts, helping you reach your goals far quicker.

Improperly used, however, fat burning supplements can actually make you fatter, no matter how effective they are! In fact, the more effective a supplement is, the worse off you could be!!

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using supplements to help lose fat. I'm all for it. The main problem with fat loss supplements lies with how people use them (and how they are told and encouraged to use them).

Armed with the knowledge in this article, you will learn exactly what you can do to break the diet pill cycle and keep the fat off for good.

The Big Secret...

The diet pill and fat loss drug industry is built on ignorance: not theirs, yours. 

Many of these companies bank on that fact that people generally don't know a whole lot about fat loss or supplements. They are in the business of selling shortcuts to you so that you don't have to know anything about fat loss. The reason for this is simple: if people knew a lot about fat loss, they wouldn't need fat loss products anymore and the companies would go out of business. 

As backwards as it seems, the diet industry can only stay profitable by keeping people fat. 

Look at the typical business. They do their best to keep customers coming back to them. That's how they make money. Why would the diet industry be any different? If you lose fat and maintain that fat loss you won't need to lose fat anymore. You won't be their customer anymore! 

As little business sense as it makes, the ideal situation would be to have companies that are dedicated to the goal of losing customers. If they do their job, you will lose fat and keep it off and never need them again! As a personal trainer, my goal has always been to train people so thoroughly that they don't need me anymore. 

Is this sort of reform going to happen in the diet industry? Not likely. But there is something you can do to stop the cycle (you are doing it right now): LEARN!

How Fat Loss Pills Can Make You Fatter

The bottom line is...fat loss pills work. This is both the best thing about them and the worst thing about them.

When you take a good fat burning supplement, you lose a lot of fat, you feel better about yourself and you are happy, right? This is the best thing about fat loss supplements.

The worst thing about these supplements is that because they work so well, you don't have to change your eating or exercise habits to accomplish your goals. You get results simply by taking a little pill.

Does this phrase sound familiar: "Eat whatever you want and still lose weight!" 

Here's the scenario: you take the pills and you lose all the weight you want. What happens when you stop taking the supplement once you've reached your goals? Since you haven't had to change your eating or exercise habits, you regain the weight. Then you buy their pills again and start the same cycle again! It is very similar to the yo-yo diet syndrome of weight loss and regain.

How do you break this cycle? The solution is very simple though it may not be glamorous or easy: you learn to eat properly and you exercise regularly.

When you remove your dependence on fat loss pills to lose fat (through education, nutrition and exercise), you free yourself to use them to enhance your efforts, not anchor them. You will be able to lose your extra fat and keep it off without having to depend on fat loss pills to make it happen.

Dieting Made Easy

Most of the people think of dieting as equivalent of starving or popping slimming pills. Weight loss can be achieved by pleasurable dieting too. Follow a few simple rules for healthy dieting and you have a wide choice of what you can eat to please your fancy. Healthy diet and adequate exercises are the sure and safe ways to lose weight.

Healthy diet will protect your body from illnesses by providing appropriate nutrients. At the same time you would be able to shed the excess fat gradually in a safe way by maintaining proper balance of the essential constituents; that’s the trick of natural weight loss.

There are many websites that will help you determine what should be your calorie intake, based on your personal details and based on your diet they can also tell you what your present intake is..

A Well-Balanced Diet should include nutrient rich carbohydrates, high-quality protein, and healthy fats.

About 40-60% of your calorie intake should come from carbohydrates. That means if you\'re on a 1500 calories a day diet, you should be striving to get about 800 calories a day from “good” carbs. Restrict or avoid white flour, desserts and ice creams. Cut out soda-pop and candy. They contribute to weight gain and add nothing to health. Use oatmeal or whole grain cereal instead. Include whole grain breads, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, whole grain cereals. You will be getting sufficient vitamins, amino acids and fiber too; you will feel fuller longer.

About 20-30% of your calories i.e. about 375 calories should come from “wild” (not processed or farm raised) animal sources such as fish, meat, poultry, yogurt and eggs and from vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and seeds.

The balance calorie intake, about 325 in our example, shall come from “good” fats such as “wild” cold-water fish, flaxseed, walnuts, etc. They give Omega 3 essential fatty acid that is very essential for your overall health. Avoid or at least limit use of hydrogenated oils.

A few general comments:
Fish: Fish is low in fat, high in protein (as red meat), and provides omega 3 fatty acids which few other proteins would. Also as a general rule fish has fewer calories. Try to eat at least 2-3 servings of fish per week as replacement to meat.
Spinach: This is the cheapest source of nutrition for your body. It is rich in folic acid, minerals, and vitamins. You can prepare it in a variety of ways. Use it often in your diet.

Olive Oil: It is a “good” fat with loads of benefits to the body. This is a basic source of fat in the Mediterranean diet.

Follow these simple suggestions, and happy dieting!

Diets Defined For You

Diet is the “kind and amount of food prescribed for a person for a special reason”. In the context of weight loss the term diet would cover all specific requirements in terms of constituents, their quantities and also the manner of their preparation as food for promoting loss of weight.
There are many diet plans proposed/promoted by different people. There is a 5-Factor Diet, South Beach Diet, Bob Greene\'s Best Life Diet, Atkins Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Anne Collin’s diet, Carbohydrate Addict\'s Diet, and now you have Size Zero Diet, DASH diet and Fat Smash Diet and …. it goes on!
Some are promoted by parties who as publishers, producers or suppliers of supplements or constituents of the diet and are suspect as being purely a commercial vehicle. Some others are merely fad diets that look upon the concept of weight loss or weight control as a gimmick. Many of these are neither based on proper scientific knowledge or scrutiny.

Three major constituents of a beneficial diet are carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Usually the main energy source for the body is the carbohydrates; proteins are necessary for the growth and repair of body cells, and general maintenance of the body, fats are a rich source of energy. A well balanced diet includes these in appropriate proportions; it will also include water. Water is vitally important to life - metabolic reactions and other functions depend critically on adequate water. Water constitutes almost 80% of the body weight.

There are various items in our everyday food that contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats; but not all the items that we normally consume are really beneficial. There are many that may provide the necessary calories to the body but at the same time they are harmful in some respects. A balanced diet should be made uo of “good” or healthy components and avoid or reduce the use of “bad” or unhealthy components.

A balanced diet will consist of carbohydrates from healthy sources to provide about 40 to 60 percent of the calorie requirement of the body. Vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains are good sources of carbohydrates; they provide fiber which is also for various functions of the body.
On the other hand other sources of carbohydrates such as white sugar, deserts, candy, frizzy drinks should be avoided or limited in consumption; they cause hormone imbalance, obesity, chronic inflammation issues.

Just as in case of carbohydrates, there are certain good proteins and certain bad proteins. Good proteins which provide all essential amino acids are contained in organic sources such as meat, fish, eggs, poultry; processed meats et should be avoided. About 10 to 30 percent of the body’s calorie requirement should be met from proteins.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty essential acids stimulate immunity system of the body, fight inflammations, and are beneficial to heart and brain functioning. But these are not made by our body. Cold water fish, walnuts, etc can provide these to the body. Avoifd or limit use of unhealthy fats such as from processed foods and hydrogenated oils. Your body should get about 20 t0 30 percent of its calorie requirement from good fats as explained above.

Your diet should also include adequate amount of fiber or roughage. It does not provide nutrients but has an important role in helping bowel movements and also helping to lose weight.


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